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Frequently Asked Questions For Customers


What happens to my new enquiry after I submit it?

SafariNow.com sends your enquiry directly to the supplier with whom you have enquired. The supplier then personally answers and quotes on your enquiry. You receive your reply via e-mail.

Do I get a quote from the supplier?

Yes. The supplier must give you a quoted price, unless they cannot cater for your requirements (no availability, etc.).

How do I secure my booking?

When you receive your quote via email, you can secure your booking on the SafariNow.com website by paying the requested deposit.

What payment choices do I have?
  1. - Online with Credit Card - we accept the following cards:
    SafariNow Accepts MastercardMastercard SafariNow Accepts Diners Club Diners Club
    SafariNow Accepts Visa Visa SafariNow Accepts JCB JCB
    SafariNow Accepts AmexAmex

    Why is this Safe?

  2. - Bank Deposit (or Internet Transfer) into SafariNow.com's bank account. Direct deposits take a bit longer to process, and you must ensure that the deposit is made before the quote expiry. The supplier is not obliged to hold your provisional booking after the expiry date. Fax the deposit slip to us, referencing the enquiry number.

Who receives my money?

The deposit is transacted into SafariNow.com's bank account and electronically switched over into the supplier's account. The balance of payment is settled between you and the supplier at the supplier's discretion.

How can I communicate with the supplier directly?

By clicking 'Enquire Now', you can ask any questions, including accommodation availability, special requests, general information, etc. Your questions are answered directly by the accommodation supplier. You can also send further messages once you've enquired, and you can edit your enquiry to change the dates or rooms. Also, we release the supplier's contact details (email, telephone, etc.) once you have paid the deposit for your booking. You can then communicate with them directly.

What happens if I want to cancel my booking?

Please notify the supplier as soon as possible. Each accommodation supplier has their own terms of cancellation which are displayed before you pay your deposit.

Do I get a receipt after paying?

Yes. We display an electronic receipt on your browser which you can print out as proof of your payment and your booking. We also e-mail you your receipt.

How do I settle the rest of my bill if I only pay the deposit?

SafariNow.com only processes the initial booking payment to secure the booking. You must settle the remainder of your bill directly with the supplier.



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